About Me

My name is Mark. I believe in the importance of Self-Efficacy. Now more than ever. Self-Efficacy is a concept advanced by psychologist Albert Bandura, a pioneer of the socio-cognitivist movement, sets forth the theory that if you have little confidence in your abilities, your chances of achieving your goals are slim. Meaning, you must believe you have what it takes to achieve your goals and consider challenging experiences as things to be mastered rather than bypassed. The blog is personal, but the purpose of this blog – to help, share and provide purposeful knowledge – is who I am as a person. Professionally, I own a small business, I am a writer. I invest in domains, create niche websites and develop marketing strategies. I worked in a cubicle for 8-10 hours a day 5 or 6 days a week for almost two decades so I know a rewarding life comes to those who can think beyond the boundaries of work and school.  I graduated with a degree in History from UCLA. I attended Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. I graduated with a degree in Law. I’ve mastered experiences and continue to learn new ones. My desire in blogging is to provide my visitors and readers with paradigm-shifting information that will knock your socks. Also, to offer indirect experiences through a collection of articles posts, and stories that will add value to the very heart of your personal effectiveness.