Building Architectural Happiness

Until now, I never appreciated the potential for Architecture to have a long lasting effect on our emotions and psyche. Architecture and the emotions conveyed through its use of space matters. We are not fully aware of how our mind is processessing the things we place in a space that does matters: chairs, tables, pictures and other accoutrements ; while the mind quantifies and justified the fabricated element of the architecture which consisting of the walls, buildings, streets , and the environment. This process connects the it all in a human way in order to help us build a narrative that makes us feel at home. The more at home we feel the happier we are. Plato, the 5th-century B.C. Greek Philosopher, and one of mankind’s greatest thinkers, was obsessed with forms. His definition of forms meant representing the ideal version of things and concepts that we see around us. Plato saw this ideal form in birds, trees and architecture. The 1st Century B.C. Roman author and architect, Marcus Vitruvius who is more commonly known as Vitruvius, tells us that architecture derives from the building (Fabrica) and reasoning (ratiocinatio). Architecture is not just a beautiful building but can form a human connection that reminds us of our full potential and ideals. How we qualitatively feel about the architectural space matters because the quality of the environment has an effect on our happiness.